Commodities (MCX)
Commodities as a word originated from the French word ‘commdite’
meaning ‘benefit, profit’. Rightly so! The kind of continuously
growing turnover which commodities market has seen is incredible,
benefiting both producers and buyers. These amazing results have
transformed commodities as a most sought after asset class. And this
has caught attention of the whole world.
Commodities market is particularly significant to our country as India
is essentially a commodity based economy. Therefore, it should not be
surprising to see that Indian Commodities Market is also taking giant
strides, growing at a scorching pace and is well poised to occupy its
rightful place in the world. This has provided the Indian investors
with new emerging investment opportunities in the arena of
Commodity Derivatives trading in India is now done through the
electronic trading platform. The various commodities being traded on
the exchanges include precious metals, crude oil, natural gas,
agro-commodities amongst.