Services We Offer
Competent Finman Pvt. Ltd.
offers the folowing services. Please click on the links below to
have more information on them.
Capital Market: We are the leading broker of NSE and BSE
and have been providing capital market and derivatives services to
our clients.
Derivatives: Derivatives (Futures & Options) are ideal
instruments to protect your portfolio against risk.
Mutual Funds & IPO's: A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools
the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial
goal. Anybody with an invisible surplus of as little as a few
thousand rupees can invest in Mutual Funds.
Commodities: Commodities as a word originated from the
French word ‘commdite’ meaning ‘benefit, profit’. Rightly so! The
kind of continuously growing turnover which commodities market has
seen is incredible, benefiting both producers and buyers.
Depository Services: A depository can be defined as an institution where the investors
can keep their financial assets such as equities, bonds, mutual
fund units etc in the dematerialised form and transactions could
be effected on it.
Currency Derivatives: Currency derivatives are contracts
between the sellers and buyers, whose values are to be derived
from the underlying assets, the currency amounts.